Zaman yang Sedang KelelahanKetika tatanan dan sistem kontemporer gagal, zaman dan seluruh anggotanya menjadi kelelahan…Feb 271Feb 271
Pusat Peradaban, Tua Peradaban, dan Wilayah BatasUntuk pertama kali dalam sejarah, Republik Indonesia akhirnya memiliki sebuah Kementerian Kebudayaan (Kemenbud) di bawah kepemimpinan…Feb 17Feb 17
Enam Tahun Setelah Kakek MeninggalKakek pada 9 Mei 2017 di rumah kami di Manyar, SurabayaSep 1, 2024Sep 1, 2024
The Javanese Human Wayang and a Jew of the OrientOpening speech of the 1961 performance of Sasana Mulya in TulungagungJul 28, 2024Jul 28, 2024
Contemplating the Guidance from the GurusThe consequence, whether good or bad, of being introduced to this approach was that I developed a preference for discussing general…Mar 11, 2024Mar 11, 2024
The Enigma of Borders: Indonesian ContextThe notion of borders first occupied my thoughts during several sea voyages across the Java Sea at the end of 2023 and the Dodinga Gulf at…Feb 13, 2024Feb 13, 2024
My Life Tutors (Part 2): Mbak Erry and the Beginning of My CareerThere is one person in my academic and professional journey to whom I owe much more than a simple thank you. I have decided to narrate the…Jul 27, 2023Jul 27, 2023
My Life Tutors (Part 1): Encounter with Peter CareyIn early January 2023, as pandemic-related social restrictions began to ease, my tutor, Peter Carey, offered me two tickets to the premiere…Jul 22, 2023Jul 22, 2023
Smoke and Mirrors, and Indonesian PoliticsThe “old-school” media outlets seem to be using evaluation metrics designed for assessing the pre-1996 generation when evaluating…Jul 20, 20231Jul 20, 20231